Monday, January 30, 2012


If there's one thing we love around here is lots and lots of fun bright colors.  The more the merrier, I say!  I get lots of inquiries about how I come up with my color schemes.  Well, honestly, its usually because I saw them together somewhere.  Maybe on a lady's dress, maybe in a stack of pillows at west elm, maybe in my laundry, maybe in the melt-y pile of skittles in my kids hands ...  I really see inspiration everywhere.  However, if you are just started designing and haven't really developed a keen eye for color coordination, here are a few helps;

#1- The color wheel.  I use the color wheel ALOT!  I like to combine opposite colors.  What are opposite colors you might ask?  They are colors that are directly across from each other on the color wheel.  For example, red and turquoise, or fuchsia pink and lime green....  If you don't have a copy of the color wheel, you should down load this pic and print it off right now! :)

#2- How about cheating on the creativity side of things and take a look at these plans all laid out for you?  I found the website Design Seeds when I was trying to pic colors for my logo.  I was in design heaven when I found this one.  Sooooo many different beautiful color combinations that all compliment each other perfectly!!  

The color palette I ended up choosing was inspired by a picture that I found on Pinterest.  Here it is;
......and speaking of pinterest, that is another stellar place to look at color combinations.  I could look at color palettes all day long on pinterest.  I rarely allow myself to log in because my brain goes into creative overload!
 Follow me:)  ellabalu.  

Hope this helps some of you who are having "creators block".  I would love to hear what you think!