Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ruby Blue TRIVIA!!!

Are you a true Ruby Blue fan?  If so, why don't you give these trivia questions a try for a chance to win 50% off your entire order!!  Before we begin, let me just say that every single answer to these questions is posted online some where.  So if you don't know the answer, you may be able to find it with a little bit of detective work.

Rules are as follows;
- Only 1 entry per person.
- Do not delete entries.  If you do, you will be disqualified.
- Trivia game open to the first 15 participants only.
-10% off order for 1 question right, 20% off for two, 30% off for 3, 40% off for your and 50% off your entire order for 5 correct answers.
- In order to be eligible, you must post "I entered" on my status announcing this game.
-If you have any questions, email me at

Ready. Set... GO!!!

1.  Where did Ruby Blue get it's name?
2.  Can you name two lines of hair accessories that Ruby Blue sells?
3.  Nam 3 different products that Ruby Blue carries.
4.  How long has Ruby Blue been on etsy?
5.  Where is Ruby Blue located?


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